The Rohingya populace of Myanmar (originally known as Burma prior to 1989) are an indigenous race, who were stripped of nationhood in 1982, due to the oblivion of an identity approval by the dictator regime as their forefathers settled in Burma before 1823. Hitherto, the Rohingyas are one in seven of the global population of stateless people. A huge population of 1·5 million Rohingya people living in Myanmar and across southeast Asia, only about 80 000 have any legal protection gained through the UN-designated refugee status. Albeit, since 2012, more than 150,000 people, most of whom are Rohingya, have fled Myanmar in bamboo-trunk boats for journeys lasting several weeks to neighboring nations, completely devastated. We outline historical events preceding this complex emergency in health and human rights. The Rohingya people enface a catastrophe of poor infant and child health, malnutrition, waterborne illness, and devoid of obstetric care. In December 2014, a UN resolution called for an action plan to end the crisis. We discuss the Myanmar Government’s ongoing treatment of Rohingya through the scope of international law, and the steps the nascent elected parliament must pursue for a plausible solution. This article deals with the origin of the Rohingya, the form of their citizenship, and recent oppression in the Rakhine State of Myanmar.
An Analysis of the Rohingya of Myanmar: Trial by Death, Denial and Identity
Publication Information
Journal Title: Law & Political Review
Author(s): Dr Muath Amayreh
Published On: 09/08/2022
Volume: 7
First Page: 139
Last Page: 152
ISSN: 2581-7191
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Dr Muath Amayreh, An Analysis of the Rohingya of Myanmar: Trial by Death, Denial and Identity , Volume 7, Law & Political Review, 139-152, Published on 09/08/2022, Available at
Keywords: Human Rights, Rohingya, Myanmar, Conflict, Refugee Crisis, Citizenship, Persecution.
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