Nobel Laureate Mr. Kofi Annan rightly stated that, “Trees grow stronger over the years, rivers wider. Likewise, with age, human beings gain immeasurable depth and breadth of experience and wisdom. That is why older persons should be not only respected and revered; they should be utilized as the rich resource to society that they are”.[i] In fact the old age is an indispensable stage of life which a man cannot escape unless untimely death occurs. By recognizing this on 14th December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated 1st October as ‘the international day of Older persons’. As per the available information the composition of the world population has been increasing dramatically in recent decades. Globally, there were 703 million persons aged 65 or over in 2019. In India, 8% of the population was recorded 60 years and above in 2011 census and it is expected to increase its share to 12.5% to 20% by 2026 and 2050 respectively.[ii] Unfortunately, with increase of elder population the offences against elderly have been increasing. It is the glaring reality that the human society is gradually criminalized. Best example for that is in contemporary world the elder people are no more synonymous to love but they are seen as a burden that nobody wants to care.[iii]
[i] United Nations’ Secretary-General Kofi Annan-
[iii] 73% Indian youth admit that elder abuse exists : Help page India, Early TIMES e paper, 15th June, 2015.